ATM Machinery
Vacuum Packaging Machines & Metal Conveyor Belts

Eye-link Belts

Eye-link Belts

Eye link belts were first introduced decades ago and have proven their superior performance though extensive use in the European food processing industry, where the belts were valued for their reliability, durability and versatility. Nowadays, eye-link belts are used world-wide and for a large variety of purposes, ranging from glass processing to food processing. Our Eye-link belts are made of high-quality stainless steel and consist of a series of modules, which are connected by rods, to form a strong but ultra-thin single level surface. Eye-link conveyor belts offer specific advantages, which make this exceptional belting system stand out from other configurations currently available on the market.


Eye-link belts are very versatile and can be used for a wide variety of applications. The stainless steel construction allows the belts to withstand freezing, frying, blanching, broiling, pasteurizing, drying and washing. The thin single-level-surface design, allows for excellent liquid and air passage as well as minimal carryover from zone to zone.


The high quality steel construction and solid build quality and robust design ensure that our eye-link belts are extraordinarily durable and have a longer service life than other types of conveyor belts. Consequently, our eye link belts are perfectly suited to meet the demands of a 24-hour-a-day processing line. Moreover, the modular construction allows for fast and easy repairs, through the replacement of individual modules, rods and bar links.


Eye-link belts have a very flat mesh surface, which guarantees that your products stay flat and conststent throughout the production and packaging process. This means that your product will be more uniform and that product marking will be brought down to a minimum. Moreover, the single level surface ensures that no particles are entrapped between layers.

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